This site hosts information regarding a number of projects I've been a part of over the years. Consider this a directory of sorts:
If you're here because of my streaming endeavors under the handle Knife_Moth, head over here for the relevant links.
If you're interested in my writing, you can find my higher-effort blog here, and I intend to start getting some of my poetry and fiction up at some point but haven't yet.
If you're curious about other things I've done that don't fit into the other categories, take a gander at what's listed here. This category is subject to change if I decide something is notable enough to put on this front page or if I make some other niche nonsense I want to brag about.
If you've had enough of me but want to check out some other people or projects I think are worth taking a look at, here is a list of those.
Thank you for your interest! I hope you find what you're looking for!